Frequently Asked Questions
The video keeps being stopped while I am watching it.
Viewing videos
2023-07-17 15:48
There are many reasons for the streaming being stopped.
Our videos are serviced by Korea Hosting for streaming and the stoppage of streaming is hardly heard of.
In some cases, the Internet environment where the customer uses the service can cause the stoppage of streaming.
Please, make sure that you use stable wifi when you watch videos on mobile devices. Make sure that you use proper wireless lan environment when you watch videos on PC.
Our videos are serviced by Korea Hosting for streaming and the stoppage of streaming is hardly heard of.
In some cases, the Internet environment where the customer uses the service can cause the stoppage of streaming.
Please, make sure that you use stable wifi when you watch videos on mobile devices. Make sure that you use proper wireless lan environment when you watch videos on PC.