Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I view the contents after I make payment?
    You can view all the contents you paid for in 'My Classroom'.
  • Can I watch videos repeatedly?
    Yes. You can watch videos without limit for 1 month.
  • What web browsers can I use for watching videos provided by Infidelity Solution?
    You can use Explorer, Edge, or Chrome, but we recommend Chrome.

  • Where can I ask questions regarding Infidelity Solution?
    You can upload your questions on Inquiries' located on 'Notices'.
  • Can I watch videos on personal computers or mobile devices?
    All videos can be watched by personal computers and mobile devices.

    Errors can occur depending the type of web browsers.

    Using Chrome is recommended for personal computers.
  • The video keeps being stopped while I am watching it.
    There are many reasons for the streaming being stopped.
    Our videos are serviced by Korea Hosting for streaming and the stoppage of streaming is hardly heard of.

    In some cases, the Internet environment where the customer uses the service can cause the stoppage of streaming.
    Please, make sure that you use stable wifi when you watch videos on mobile devices. Make sure that you use proper wireless lan environment when you watch videos on PC.
  • Can I watch the video again?
    Yes, you can watch the video repeatedly for one month after you make the payment.

    You must make payment again if you want to watch the video after one month.
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